Dynamic And Gentle Yin-Yang Yoga
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60 Minutes |
Yoga Mat, Yoga Blocks |
Beginner |
300-320 |
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Yin Yang Yoga combines two styles of yoga that compliments each other, brings together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses with more dynamic sequences. Yang strengthens and tones the body while Yin improves flexibility and joint mobility.
The first half of the class focuses on yang practice. Begin in relaxing child pose, simple cat and cow stretch. Flow through vinyasa and strengthening poses like warrior I and II with variations, warrior III, low lunge and lizard.
The second half of the class focuses on yin practice. Slowly go into reclined hero pose to stretch the lower part of the body. Then wide-legged forward fold. Ending with gentle twisting and happy baby pose to release any lower back tension.
You will feel the softness and calmness after the practice. Joy comes from the inner self.