Explore The World Upside Down

No.of Classes: 1
No. of times you have attended the class:0


90 Minutes


Yoga Mat, Yoga Blocks, Yoga Strap, Wall






Our signature Andiappan class offers a progressive sequence that allows you to practice inversions safely, slowly and steadily.

Begin with a comprehensive warm-up to prepare the back muscles, glutes, hamstrings and calves for full inversions. Continue with forward bending poses and hip flexion movements to prepare for the hips and hamstrings flexibility to lift the body up easier; and half inversion poses to build more upper body strength.

Methods and techniques will be introduced to guide you into inversion poses. You will learn shoulder stand, supported headstand, elbow stand and handstand. Wall support is recommended. Observe, be familiar with the movements before going into the poses. Conclude with various leg balancing poses as counterposes to bring blood circulation back to the lower body.

This session offers insights to all levels of practitioners. After the practice, you will develop a stronger upper body, deeper body awareness, and better flexibility in your hamstrings that allows you to feel more confident and stable when you go upside down.

Other classes with Dr. Yogananth