Yoga for Runners and Hikers

No.of Classes: 1
No. of times you have attended the class:0


60 Minutes


Yoga Mat, Yoga Blocks, Yoga Strap






Hiking, biking, running & walking may tighten the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps & calves. This 60-minute yoga practice will help you release tension in the muscles that get stressed from these activities. 

Begin with breathing techniques, gentle stretchings such as seated twist and lateral stretch to create space in the upper body. Continue with dynamic movements to loosen up the hip joints, lower back and chest regions. You will practice yoga mudras to improve blood circulation and regulate the flow of energy throughout the body. Make use of yoga blocks to rest yourself in a Fish pose, gentle backbend to rejuvenate, refresh the body and mind.

After a sequence of gravity assisted stretching poses, move on to some arm balancing poses to bring strength and stability to your joints to prevent imbalance in the body. End with breathing and visualisation exercises.

After the practice, you will feel relieved from your sore calf muscles, tight hips and legs.

Other classes with Dr. Yogananth