Yoga For Healthy Growth And Development

No.of Classes: 1
No. of times you have attended the class:0


60 Minutes


Yoga Mat, Yoga Blocks, Yoga Strap, Wall






Yoga benefits kids and teenagers as much as adults. Yoga can help kids and teenagers cope with physical and mental conditions. Regular practice develops physical strength and increases energy for better athletic performance; increases concentration and focus for study, improves postures, and reduces stress and anxiety. This practice is designed for youngsters but also beneficial for all ages

Master Yogananth and his son Ethan Andiappan begin the class with dynamic movements: shoulder rotations, twisting, lateral stretch and leg swinging, which helps to stretch the shoulders, spine, hips and hamstrings. Followed by static postures such as spider pose, gate pose, side angle pose, lunge pose, and cobra pose.

You will then go through various back bending poses and inversions to challenge your body and mind including mermaid pose, wheel pose, standing drop back, and headstand. Ends with some neutralising poses and step breathing.

Start practising with your kids to develop a good habit!

Other classes with Dr. Yogananth