Andiappan Yoga - A heart opening sequence

No.of Classes: 1
No. of times you have attended the class:0


90 Minutes


Yoga Mat, Yoga Blocks, Yoga Strap, Wall






This Andiappan class is a full sequence focused on the neck, shoulder, and upper back, including the side and back of the chest. Physically, improving the chest and upper back mobility helps reduce stress on the shoulder joints and minimise the risk of injuries. Spiritually, chest opening sequence helps to balance the heart chakra for the qualities of love and compassion.

The class progresses from low to high intensity. Master Yogananth and Master Kammy will begin with dynamic warm-ups, followed by breath combined movements to enhance the lungs and stretch out the rib cage and diaphragm. Some more shoulder stretches, chest opening, and spinal stretch variations. You will learn to prepare the chest in different directions, expansion and extension, before moving on to more challenging poses involving wheel pose and variations. Ends with a calming and soothing breathing technique to ground the energy from the stimulating practice.

Other classes with Dr. Yogananth